Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Highlander's Reward by Eliza Knight

The Highlander's Reward by Eliza Knight
The Stolen Bride Series, Book 1
Publisher: Eliza Knight (July 2012)
263 pages, eBook (purchased myself for $4.99)
Book Rating: 5 Stars
Sensuality: Red Heart

On her way to marry a man she and her father have never met, at the request of the King, Arbella finds herself in the middle of a battle and in danger of becoming mere spoils of war until Laird Magnus Sutherland swoops in to save her from his own countrymen, leaving him with the problem of what to do with her. It soon becomes clear that he must marry her and take her back to his holding, letting the chips fall where they may. I loved Arbella and felt that she had a lot of depth as a character, always keeping Magnus on his toes, while Magnus is a man you can't help but adore once his rough exterior begins to crack. Spurned betrothals on both sides and the worries over a father who may or may not have survived, combined to keep me riveted to the end. Great read, and I look forward to reading about Magnus's brother, Blane, and Arbella's sister, Aliah, in the second book in this series, The Highlander's Conquest!

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