The Montgomerys and Armstrongs, Book 1
Publisher: Ballantine Books (September 2012)
418 pages, eBook (purchased myself for $7.99)
Book Rating: 5 Stars
Sensuality: Red Heart
The King seeks to bring about peace between two clans that are bitter enemies by ordering a marriage between Laird Graeme Montgomery and Eveline Armstrong, daughter of Laird Armstrong. Both families and clans are appalled by the order, especially in light of the fact that Eveline is widely believed to be daft and therefore incapable adequately performing wifely duties. The more Graeme knows of Eveline the more he suspects she isn't daft at all, but only deaf as a result of an accident years before and eventually persuades her to tell him all her secrets. This book was awesome! I loved the characters and the story. Despite the difficult situation they were thrown into, Graeme and Eveline both behaved admirably and didn't keep secrets or string out misunderstandings. The strength and fortitude of both characters was inspiring. So many wonderful possibilities to continue this series (Graeme's siblings: Bowen, Teague & Rorie, and Eveline's brothers, Aiden & Brodie). I look forward to reading Bowen's story, Highlander Most Wanted, out early next year!