Captive Love by Reece Butler
Highland Ménage Series, Book 2
Publisher: Siren Publishing (May 2015)
113 pages, eBook (purchased myself for $3.82)
Book Rating: 4 Stars
Sensuality: Red Heart
Angus and Gillis wed their lady all proper in front of a priest, only to find out Fiona has a wealthy uncle she didn’t know about who could set aside their marriage with the snap of his fingers. As the men do their best to pass all her uncle’s tests of worthiness, Fiona is undergoing struggles of her own—being forced to learn the ladylike ways she was never taught. Fun, adventurous read. I liked the uncle’s crafty tests that he made everyone undergo. Fiona’s grumbling over her unslaked lust, due to her uncle keeping them apart, got to be a little much at times, but I did enjoy the side story concerning her uncle’s guard captain. Looking forward to the next pair of MacDougal brothers!