Devil and the Deep by Megan Tayte
The Ceruleans, Book 4
Publisher: Megan Tayte (September 2015)
314 pages, eBook (provided by Author for review)
Book Rating: 5 Stars
Sensuality: White Heart
Scarlett has chosen to turn her back on the ways of the Ceruleans, and has returned to make a life with Luke, though she finds it not quite as fulfilling as she would have hoped. Meanwhile, questions regarding her lineage surface and begin to haunt her. Scarlett is faced with progressively hard questions in this story, none of which have easy answers. I wish she wouldn’t try to shelter Luke quite so much—when she allows it, she has such a large group of supporters/helpers looking to assist her when things become too much, and I really liked that about this story (the strange coalition of human/Cerulean people she has around her). This book closes with a massive cliffhanger! I can’t wait to read the last installment in this series (Darkly, Deeply, Beautifully) and see how it all turns out!