Monday, September 10, 2012

Love’s Reckoning by Laura Frantz

Love’s Reckoning by Laura Frantz
The Ballantyne Legacy, Book 1
Publisher: Revell (September 2012)
432 pages, eBook (purchased myself for $9.68)
Book Rating: 3 Stars
Sensuality: White Heart

Silas Ballantyne plans to finish the few months left of his apprenticeship, then head west to live out his dreams, but from the moment he steps foot in Liege Lee’s household he is met with problems and impediments unwillingly thrust upon him by his new master, not the least of which are Liege’s two daughters Elspeth and Eden, whom the man is determined to marry off. Though I found the characters and the story engaging, I nearly could not finish this book for the last half was so heart-rendering and I was so upset with the two main characters for their stubborn stupidity. Upon Eden’s stubborn insistence to hold to her secrets, Silas leaves her when she needs him the most and does not go back, not to mention his considering another woman in her absence. I almost could not get past the ugliness of it all and very well could have done without the estrangement part of the story. It didn’t seem to add anything to the story, except length and grief. That removed, the story was wonderful, with rich characters, a beautifully depicted historical world, and the refreshingly contemplative style that I have come to expect from this author. I look forward to the next installment in this series, and hope that it does not include so much needless heartache and grief.

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