Friday, May 23, 2014

Where Leads the Heart by Colleen Coble

Where Leads the Heart by Colleen Coble
Wyoming Series, Book 1
Publisher: Spencerhill Associates, Ltd. (June 2012)
170 pages, eBook (purchased myself for $3.99)
Book Rating: 4 Stars
Sensuality: White Heart

Sarah was devastated by Rand's death, but to please her father and brother, she agreed to marry Ben, only to have Rand show up very much alive just hours before she was to wed another man. I really felt bad for Rand in the beginning, coming back from war to find your fiancée engaged to another man has got to be rough, but his stubborn, callous behavior quickly ran any sympathy I had for him into the ground, and he was a very hard man to like for most of this story. He was blind to Sarah's obvious devotion, and turned around and unfeelingly stabbed her in the back with Jessica when he had the first chance. Sarah was the sweet, unending martyr, which I don't mind as long as it is amply repaid in the end with a happily ever after. I almost wished Sarah had ended up with Isaac, but once Rand came back to himself I was content. There was a lot of references to God, religion and "being saved" (which I'm not all that big on), but the tribulations Rand and Sarah went through, and the part the Indians played in their story, came together so nicely to show such real growth of character (particularly in Rand) that it was really enjoyable overall. I look forward to reading Isaac's story next in Plains of Promise.

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