Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Her Highlander’s Promise by B. J. Scott

Her Highlander’s Promise by B. J. Scott
Publisher: Soul Mate Publishing (October 2014)
160 pages, eBook (purchased myself for $2.99)
Book Rating: 4 Stars
Sensuality: Pink Heart

On the day of her father’s burial, ten-year-old Laurel met thirteen-year-old Blair, and taken with her by love at first sight, promised to return when they were both of age and wed her, giving her a promise ring to remember him by. Laurel has a difficult life with her evil guardians and Blair returns to her not a moment too soon. I couldn’t decide if Laurel was too naive or if she was just too trusting, but she seemed easily fooled by her nemesis for a goodly portion of the story, but she was a very likeable, noble person and I liked her throughout. Blair was everything you could wish for in a knight in shinning armor. The ending hinged on a great many miraculous events and discoveries, that may have been more than a tad unrealistic, but I found it enjoyable. Great story. Dare I hope it will be followed by any sequels to tell the stories of Blair’s three older brothers (James, Ian and Keenan), Katie from the inn or her Uncle Lachlan’s story?

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